CIOMeet San Francisco
Collaborating Bay area IT leadership
February 16, 2023
Fogo de Chão San Francisco
Connect Engage Innovate
Successful CIOs empower themselves with the knowledge and experience of their community. CIOMeet San Francisco collaborate Bay area IT leaders with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and industries to connect the dots between innovation, efficiency, and collaboration. Join us over an epicurean lunch as we discuss, debate, and challenge the current directions within the Office of the CIO.
Meet the CIOcircle
Leaders, Visionaries, and Game Changers who have helped this collboration
Ajay Sabhlok
Shohreh Abedi
Tim Brown
VP Global Technology
Rajesh Hatkar
Rubrick, Inc.
Johnson Financial Group
JPMorgan Chase Co.
8.30 am to 9.30 am
Registration & Open Networking
Grab coffee and breakfast with peers and fuel yourself for a day of thought leading discussions
9.30 am - 9.35 am
Setting the Tone
Moderator Sanjog Aul will introduce the visionaries and game changers that have helped shaped today's collaboration.
9.35 am - 10.05 am
What is the Future of the Office of the CIO? Looking through their crystal ball our panelists will predict the challenges ahead and forecast strategies that incubate inclusive creativity, bring innovation, and shape the Future of the Enterprise.
10.05 am - 10.25 am
Fireside chat
A duologue with the Coming of Age Visionaries and audience as we share past success and failure stories and discuss strategies that will shape the Office of the CIO
10.25 am - 11.55 am
CIO Roundtable
CIO Roundtable is the foundation of today's relationship building. Let's collaborate and connect the dots between innovation and efficiency.
11.55 am to 12.55 pm
CIO Lounge
A successful leader is one that empowers themselves with lesson, knowledge, experience of a community. Engage with peers and partners 1:1 and expand your community.
12.55 pm to 1.35 pm
Leaders Lunch
Let's collaborate with peers and partners over an epicurean lunch as we discuss, debate, and challenge the direction of Office of the CIOs
1.35 pm - 2.00 pm
David & Goliath Panel
Best-learned lessons come from experience. Leading CIOs from large and mid-market companies who will compare and contrast their challenges and share their best learned lessons of successes and failures stories
2.00 pm - 2.45 pm
CIO Lounge
A successful leader is one that empowers themselves with lesson, knowledge, experience of a community. Engage with peers and partners 1:1 and expand your community
2.45 pm to 3.00 pm
Closing Remarks & CIO Draw
Thank you for your contribution in the Day's discussions.